Saturday, March 18, 2006

2 Days Left

I am almost done packing and I've already started to say my goodbyes. All I really have left to do is board the plane. Spending time with family and friends has been great. I am looking forward to my sister's engagement party. Claire is getting married, and I am disappearing for 27 months - crazy times. I had to stuff all of my clothes and everything into two small bags and a back pack. I'm nervous and excited, but I feel ready to finally go. WISH ME LUCK!!!


At 12:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Luck Princess! I'll miss you for sure. : )

At 12:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Adamo, your momma and sister checking with love and fond adieus. The Philippines is lucky to have you!!!
We miss you already.

At 11:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Adam, your Mom's best buddy and her son checking in by saying you are being toasted tonight at dinner with milk and water (champagne last Saturday). We wish you safe travels, and a perfect assignment to the spot in the Phillipines in which you most want to settle.
We'll be checking for your blog updates regularly.

At 9:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your Lost Update:(bullet format)

- Theme: Sun and Jin, Man in Hatch
- Sun begins to feel sick: suspects that she is pregnant
- Sun's Past: Jin really wants a baby with Sun. Revealed that she is unable to give birth due to scarred follopial tubes. Later her fertility doctor speaks to her privatly and explains that it is really Jin that is shooting blanks and that he feared telling Jin because of his powerful boss- Sun's father.
- When Sun reveals that she is pregnant to Jin on Island after taking a pregnancy test, she swears that he is the only man she's been with... or is he? (Camera zooms to nervous eyes of Sun)
- Anna Luisa gets a chance to speak with man in hatch. Through her kindness she is able to retrieve a map from him that leads to his crashed balloon.
-Episode ends
Adam feel free to critisize my summary, it doesnt have to be in bullet format


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