Saturday, March 25, 2006

First Day In the Philippines

WOW! I am finally here. After 2 days of travelling on planes and waiting in lines, I arrived in Pasay City, 20 minutes south of Manila. I could be in Hawaii for all I know becuase this place is a resort full of water parks, bowling alleys and even a zoo. I got to get my shots soon about 9 of them . I got my pesos and now we are here for a week before they shoot me off to my business site for 2 months. Staging in Detroit was pretty slow, we were just going over general policies. There was a 45th anniversary of PC in Ann Arbor - very inspiring stories from returned volunteers - and they all kept saying how they met their significant other abroad which we were kind of getting sick of hearing for the 10th time. The people here are all amazing characters - world travellers, exteremely smart, and I can tell we are all gonna have a blast hanging out together in the future. So I'll write more later. C YA


At 6:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you made it, Adamo. Keep your eyes open.

At 10:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I TOLD you the cards said you were going to meet your significant other over seas! They never lie!

At 1:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rithner tells me Baguio is great town to be in. Lots of tourists go there to see the hillside rice paddies. Enjoy it while you're there. Once you get up in the mountains, guys are still wandering around with bows slung over their shoulders.

At 2:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do NOT even joke about meeting your significant other!!!!!

At 1:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whaddayah kiddin me!?! Water parks and bowling alleys? You might as well have gone on a curise! What about the lack of running water, the mosquitos and the loose women?

Love you brother!

At 7:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My boy, got your message before you left man. Solid. Sounds like you're in a pretty cool place right now. Live it up dogg pound. PEACE!

At 8:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, glad to hear all is well and good over there. I just wanted to drop you a line and wish you a Happy Birthday! Welcome to the wonderful world of 23. Have a fantastic time and best of luck with those loose women Claire was talking about.
Peace out for now.

At 1:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

AHHH!!! adam!! I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOu!! oi!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! you old fart. speaking of fats, i owe you a couple. o adam. i love you so much. you're there! youre living an adventure!!! MISS YOU!! LOVE!!
God bless....your jules<><

At 12:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BROTHER!!! Go enjoy a Bintang or two... or five. I'm happy you're having a great time and extremely proud of you.

Remember, no expectations!

Love your sister

At 1:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess I'll join the masses and wish you a Fabulously Happy Birthday! I hope they throw you a dance party and you can learn some new moves. Enjoy your 23rd year cause it ain't never gonna happen again sonny!
- Maya

At 1:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

did you immediately think of peck-peck. i hope so.


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