Friday, March 31, 2006

Bagiuo Ballistic

Hey Its been 5 days since my last post and I have moved out of Manila and into Baguio closer to my site where I will be for 10 weeks. It is absolutly gourgeous here - think Big Sur/Guatemala/Maui. I am up in the mountains and it is cool and most importantly lacking humidity. I have to learn Ilocano - it is the 3rd most spoken language here in the Philippines. I am with a smaller group here so I will be getting to know people a little better now. I have to do a little number tonight at dinner for the mayor of the town and a bunch of heads of various departments will be there. I found out one of my projects here will be to teach the farmers here about a higher quality of rice so that they can earn a better income from the rice terraces (which is where I will be located - ever heard of the 8th wonder of the world) and possibly export more abroad, and I will also help promote ecotourism among young adults. Very VERY exciting times right now - but the next 6 months even will be getting to know the community leaders and learnming the language. SO UNTIL next time - DAd I'll let you know later If i need my computer. My B-day was kinda sad not having family around but there is just so much on my mind right now so I dont have any time to sulk. Magangdang Gabon Po.


At 7:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you make these posts a habit--great to hear what you're up to. You are brave and strong!

At 8:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Adamo-

Happy belated birthday. Glad to hear you're taking over and correcting the past errors of MacArthur.

Uncle Willy

At 2:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey OC!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Sorry it's a bit late, only just found out about this site from Jules today.

Wow, what you're doing is amazing. I know people who have been over there and the need is so big. I hope you are learning lots about yourself, while improving the lives of others.

Remember your family in Australia is missing you to.

Love ya and God Bless

At 9:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy belated B-Day. (VERY belated but still in March) We miss you here very much. I have to remember to use less eggs for Shakshuka because you are not chewing with us...


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