Thursday, November 02, 2006


Unbelievable! I just wrote a blog probably about 10 pages long or maybe 4 or 5 feet in length on this screen. I was about to save and publish it when suddleny the power went out. It happens all the freaking time. Brownouts they call it, its an accepted way of life here. I wrote so much just for it all to be erased. I have paid heaps for the use of internet and for what? NOTHING. SO I'm sorry but I cant write anymore. I am gonna go hunt down the Ifugao Power Corporation. Have a nice day. Enjoy the pics


At 1:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Adamo-

Enjoyed reading your adventures and misadventures. You are growing up in a big way. Keep it up.

Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving. I'm heading to Marin tomorrow to see your mom and sister. Take care.


Uncle Willy

At 1:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Adamo-

Glad to hear you survived the Typhoon. By the way, I saw your picture in native garb. Nice ass!!! A little too white - start sunbathing in the raw. You'll look more like a native.

Decided that you should become a novelist. Ditch the statistics. You could be the next Hemmingway.

Much love and stay safe,

Uncle Willy


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