Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Visayan Life

Writing again from Tigbauan, Iloilo, Panay, Phil. Its so beautiful down here from the women to the beaches. Its gonna be hard to leave and go back to the cold, constantly raining mountains of Banaue. The culture here is a lot different too. The Spanish influence is much bigger. The food is excellent as well. I have heard from other volunteers in the past that a site assignment in the Cordilleras (where I am) is a much more difficult 2 years than anywhere else in the country. I didint think it would be this different though. The volunteers down here have gym memberships, scuba dive and almost all the guys have local girlfriends (good luck). Its good, in the end, that I have the "rough life" up in the poorest region of the country. Well, this is just a quick blurb, I have to run off to continue mixing cement to make a bio sand filter. I leave for Boracay tomorrow, one of the best beaches in southeast asia. GOnna have a bloody mary under a coconut tree while listening to Jack Johnson. I f@#*in deserve it. Til next time - Adam


At 8:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

adam gregory. 2 years ago yesterday you and i jumped out of a plane together and experience pure bliss. we also enjoyed together some fine new zealand beer. can you believe it was 2 years anyways my love, i was gone all summer, so i didnt get to read your stuff. sounds like you are enjoying it. o man, so stinkin exciting. is there a number i could reach you at? if you could email me, that would be amazing. I have some news as student teaching right now...and im leaving in 3 weeks to do my 2nd placement in rome! ill be at an international school. then, in leaving for bolivia for missions. unfortunately, i cant keep my promise to come to cali to see you this summer for the wedding. we will have to plan on a time when both our adventures are on hold. I cannot wait til that moment. til then adam my love, you are so inspiring, and i love you so much. i hope youre using the journal i gave you. You are constantly in my prayers.
I thank my God everytime i remember you!-phil 1:3
your, Jules

At 2:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Adam! Sounds like you are having a great time there! Who's that girl in the pink? Is that eva? She's a hottie! Hope she's keeping you company and keeping you warm on those cold Banaue nights ;)


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