Wednesday, April 05, 2006

New Pics

SO today I meet my host family - WAY NERVOUS. Her name is Florentina - she is a widow with 3 boys who are older and moved out. I will live with her for the next 2 months. My Ilokano is coming along well I can say "I like you" and "the food is delicious" which are very important statements. I met the mayor, the head of police, the heads of the dept of trade and industry and dept of social welfare and development. OOh my family is here I have to go.


At 1:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck with Flo. What's the house/hut like? Is the only running water in the river?
I've seen the rice terraces and they are nothing short of amazing. Dad's right, start taking pix. Years from now it will be nice to look back on your favorite first sights.
Doug and I made the move to the new house. I've been painting for a week and still not done (that woman had such bad taste).
I have something to send you, should I use the address you left or send it straight to Flo's Palapa?

At 3:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey beautiful! adam! you're experiencing the world..i am SO stinkin proud of you. is there anything you want that i could mail you? been thinkin and praying for you so much. i ache to see you, and as my best mate, adam, i love definitley have changed my life. I cannot wait to hear more about your adventures!
your, Jules<><

At 2:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha, I like the two very important statements you have learned. They will most surely get you far in life. I looked up rice paddies and saw some pictures wich look really awesome. You better be taking pictures!! That way you can take everyone step-by-step on your adventures and maybe even turn this blog into a graphic novel. I helped Claire out with some of her moving in projects, we spent all day sanding and staining chair legs on her front lawn and now my back is so burned it looks like someone spilled ketchup on me. Don't forget to wear sunscreen! And if you get burned find some Aloe Vera, which is what I'm about to do. Miss you!
- Maya

At 12:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey cousin,
Don't know if your mother has communicated this to you, but I'm absolutely awed by this Peace Corps maneuver of yours. I've been wanting to make a documentary about the Corps for awhile now - so pay very close attention because you've just become my official expert on the ground. Hope things with Flo. . . well, flow. And happy belated birthday! I'd wish you a year full of wonder and excitement and challenges, but it looks as though you've got that covered. xoxo, m

At 4:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So what does new pics mean - I don't see the new pics. Is the food really delicious? what are you eating? Love, your cousin Chrissie and her husband and kids


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