Saturday, June 24, 2006

New ONes

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Adam says...

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At 11:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool pictures! You look happy and skinny.
We saw Leonard Cohen yesterday, in the flesh - for about 45 seconds. There is a new documentary that premiered last night about him and his music : "I'm your man". I am sure they will show it is Banau soon...
Adam went with your Papa flying today and got a ride/flight on an Ultra light sail plane, and I almost got a heart attack when I heard this.
Be well. The pictures you post makes your life there very real for us here. Great vusual aid to the phone calls. You do look like a giant in all of them.

At 7:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your pictures are awesome! I was hoping to see one of you in a thong but I either missed it as I skimmed over the pics or it wasn't there.
This is my last few days at work(thank god) and I am almost done packing all of my stuff. I am not sure how the giant pile in my living room will fit in my car but I am keeping my fingers crossed. My first stop on my adventure is some place in Idaho after a 14 hour drive from CA. Then I arrive in Montana the next day, spend 2 wks there and the drive with my dad to PA. My house is a 10 min walk to the bars and you are more then welcome anytime when you get back. Stay healthy and keep posting all your adventures: )


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