Saturday, June 24, 2006

From Solano

Hey everybody, so another quick update from pinoy land. I just spent most of the last week in Lagawe, the provincial capital. It was the celebration of the founding of the province of Ifugao. Each municipailty gave a cultural dance and song.I pasrticipated in a parade representing Banaue, I wore the traditional g-string and walked around the town for about 40 minutes - i got a g-string tan, feel like a stripper. This time i promise to link the pics to the snapfish site. I have had this week off from work, but the week before I was a speaker in a quality control seminar the ngo put on for the farmer leaders all throughout Ifugao. I had to give a lil sppech on the importance reaching organic standards. I also underwent training to become an inspector. So now I know how to process the rice post-harvest under OCCP(organic certification center of the philippines) guidelines. I'm happy that I'm both learning some technical skills and public-speaking skills. I was and am still a bit shy about speaking in front of large groups but this experience is forcing me to get ovber my fear. oH and very big news. I am getting my own place - a 2 story, 3 bedroom, tv, fridge, gas stove, 24 hrs running water. Heaven right? I will have to cook for myself but I am excited for that as I can finally control my own diet. I'll be paying 2000P a month for rent, which is the max PC is giving me. Being in Banaue Ill have many visitors so its great that I can put them up. What else is the little things.... I have exactly 48 mozzy bites on me right now, and this time now between dry and rainy season is at most risk for getting Dhengue Fever. So far so good.... I had pig head with eyeball for dinner last night, not bad actually with a lot of peppers. I am planning a trip to Palawan to do a week in the jungle backpacking and sleeping in leopard caves. This would be the most hardcore down n dirty, roughin it up trip ever! UNtouched rainforsest! Then top it off with scuba diving with whale sharks nearby. This is a ways away still but I got a friend who is on board so thats all i need. Ok gotta run , Im in a farily big city, gonna get some fast food, woo hoo. Catch ya's


At 6:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're probably due for another package soon, am I right? Start putting your list together. Now that you have your own place maybe you need a little something for your home...?
You are missing one of the hottest summers on record (at least according to me). Today's the first day under 100 in about 3-4 weeks and it's been humid on top of it. Yuck. Though, I'm sure to you it would be a welcome change.
The trips you're planning sound awesome. I love whale sharks. Where do you go for that? Are you going with another PCV? And when you head into the rainforest...bring a machete, really. It will come in handy more than you think. And watch out for the bugs. You go a few feet into the rainforest and all the sudden the ants the size of your thumb.
Can't wait to hear more. I love you miss you!
Your sister


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