Friday, March 31, 2006

Bagiuo Ballistic

Hey Its been 5 days since my last post and I have moved out of Manila and into Baguio closer to my site where I will be for 10 weeks. It is absolutly gourgeous here - think Big Sur/Guatemala/Maui. I am up in the mountains and it is cool and most importantly lacking humidity. I have to learn Ilocano - it is the 3rd most spoken language here in the Philippines. I am with a smaller group here so I will be getting to know people a little better now. I have to do a little number tonight at dinner for the mayor of the town and a bunch of heads of various departments will be there. I found out one of my projects here will be to teach the farmers here about a higher quality of rice so that they can earn a better income from the rice terraces (which is where I will be located - ever heard of the 8th wonder of the world) and possibly export more abroad, and I will also help promote ecotourism among young adults. Very VERY exciting times right now - but the next 6 months even will be getting to know the community leaders and learnming the language. SO UNTIL next time - DAd I'll let you know later If i need my computer. My B-day was kinda sad not having family around but there is just so much on my mind right now so I dont have any time to sulk. Magangdang Gabon Po.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

First Day In the Philippines

WOW! I am finally here. After 2 days of travelling on planes and waiting in lines, I arrived in Pasay City, 20 minutes south of Manila. I could be in Hawaii for all I know becuase this place is a resort full of water parks, bowling alleys and even a zoo. I got to get my shots soon about 9 of them . I got my pesos and now we are here for a week before they shoot me off to my business site for 2 months. Staging in Detroit was pretty slow, we were just going over general policies. There was a 45th anniversary of PC in Ann Arbor - very inspiring stories from returned volunteers - and they all kept saying how they met their significant other abroad which we were kind of getting sick of hearing for the 10th time. The people here are all amazing characters - world travellers, exteremely smart, and I can tell we are all gonna have a blast hanging out together in the future. So I'll write more later. C YA

Saturday, March 18, 2006

2 Days Left

I am almost done packing and I've already started to say my goodbyes. All I really have left to do is board the plane. Spending time with family and friends has been great. I am looking forward to my sister's engagement party. Claire is getting married, and I am disappearing for 27 months - crazy times. I had to stuff all of my clothes and everything into two small bags and a back pack. I'm nervous and excited, but I feel ready to finally go. WISH ME LUCK!!!