Thursday, April 20, 2006

Random Reflections

Back in beautiful, cool Baguio. Today I got back together with everyone in my region and we are all comparing our first 2 weeks with a family. Someone has rats and tarantulas all over their room and another is dealing with a cloud of smoke from burning trash blowing into their room. I got to say i think i got it pretty good. Most others are eating bait and pork wrine 3 meals a day. I found out that a lot of the secondary projects I will be doing in Banaue will be marketing the local products from wooden carvings at the local market to new grains of rice to possibly export. I am getting a rash all over the back of my neck and I got a car door slammed on my entire hand and I just got the most painfully numbing vaccination in my other arm so overall I am pretty useless right now. But hey thats life here. Last night I went to a concert to see this awesome rock band who sang in taglish called Couche. There was about 2000 ppl there and Im pretty sure I was the only white person there - it's still very difficult to go out in public here because everyone is yelling Ilokano at me and touching me and it definitely gets overwhelming. The past couple of days I have been running around my town inviting ppl to the meeting next week. And it is custom to drink some "wine" which is basically 80 proof gin each time I visit a home. I was smashed by the end of it in 90 degree humid weather and tripped onto a mound of red ants on my way back home 2 nights ago. ALright I apologize for this all being so random. I love all the comments everyonme is leaving - please keep it up and mom thanks for the birthday letter I just got it today. OK Bye for now


At 1:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you seem to be making good use of the internet.
wondering if you have found your true love yet.
if not, melanie will be here when you get back.


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