Monday, May 29, 2006

No mo trainin

Hey folks, how is everyone? I am back in Baguio and I think I have adjusted to the weather here because I am starting to get cold, very cold, I need pj's and multiple blankets at night. So whats new here - I finished my community activity which was to paint a community map of the barangay and to paint the speed bumps. For the map we got the help of 2 community members, the rest of the work was put in by us 4 peace corps people there. It actually turned out really well including all 258 family households and their locations and the barangay council seems to be proud of it, also with the speed bumps, we originally asked them if they would like us to paint the speed bumps thinking it would be a joke because they always see us trip on them at night. To our surprise, they were really for the idea and I think the whole community was happy to have us stay there just so that they could have their speed bumps painted. So what kind of work did you do in the Philippines? ... After we presented the map to the council, we had a despedida (goodbye party). Spaghetti was served and that was the highlight of the night, we're still talking about that spaghetti which is actually comparable to Shaky's spaghetti. There was a dance party later in the night which just doesnt exist in typical Pinoy Barrio setting in North Luzon. We, the PC trainees, had been complaining about how no one dances here at all the bars and kareokes yet they're always packed with drunkards. The next day I had to say goodbye to my host family. Now I knew that I was getting close to my host mom, we had been having good late night talks about meaning of love and religion but I didnt realize until I was saying bye how much I really did enjoy having her around - she really did become like a mom to me. We were both crying in our speeches about eachother during the despedida and i got really emotional which I was not expecting. She is moving to Chicago permanently in 3 weeks and my older bnrother George is moving to Dubai for work. I feel like an orphan all over again, thank god I have a host family in Banaue who is just as excited to have me. Today and tomorrow is the Supervisor's Conference where the supervisor and the volunteer clarify their roles and expectations of eachother and come up with a 3mo action plan. So far her expectations of me are to completely immerse myself in the culture, create a working relationship with the farmer leaders, to understand the culture and to believe in and get others to believe in the vision of the NGO. No problem right? All my expectations of me are to be conversational in the local dialect, create some friendships and not screw up my surveying duties. Tomorrow night the 13 of us here in North Luzon are catching a midnight bus to Laguna and arriving at 7am for the swearing-in conf. Then on June 3/4 I go to Banaue to begin weeding the mountainside, digging irrigation canals and plugging rat holes with rat poison. And a typhoon is supposed to hit my first week there. OK this is very long I will go now. Claire I got your package it is a dream come true - GO METAMUCIL!! Now just call me back because u never called back last time. Good to hear ur commments and hear whats going on in your life's also - I do care. OK miss yall, -Adam

Monday, May 22, 2006

1 More Week!!

Only 1 more week of training until Swearing-In Conf. That should be a blast as I'll get to see about half of the people I came to the Philippines with. Some of them got placed in Palawan and Bicol regions so I'll get to visit a friend who is staying on an island wolrd famous for its whale shark diving sites. Here in Saytan, we are painting a big community map with all the families and resources on it. We got a 2000 peso budget, about 40 bucks, so it'll be interesting to see how nice of a mark we leave here. The other day in church I got to read a couple psalms in Ilokano in front of about 200 people. I didnt screw it up that bad I guess even though the preist reread it later. I also noticed I have lost 10 lbs here - I think I have a worm because I am eating so much and a lot of pork fat at that too so something else is enjoying the food rather than my stomach. I started also to lift weights here or actually just 5 gallon water tanks becuse I am starting to resemble the vegetarian Adam of old. The most widely drunk alcohol here is Tapuey or rice wine which can get to 70% alcohol and it seems like wherever you go people are inviting you to socialize. I can usually get out of it but every now and then I get stuck in a situation - one shot of it makes your body temp shoot thru the roof and a few more and you start to lose your mind because I'm already on the brink of insanity here - but this is not to complain - as with most things here I have found it is crucial to adopt a pinoy sense of humor and be fatalistic towards everything and just brush things off as Ce'st La Ve (is that spelling correct?) Oh shit I gotta go my trike is leaving now. More later, Adam

Monday, May 15, 2006

1st batch of pilipinas

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From Rosario

Hey how is everybody doing? I am dandy - I got 5 kids looking over my shoulder as i am writing this , they say naimbag nga malem yo, and the britney spears is blasting just so you know. I have been farily busy lately which is great for my sanity. Uncle Dave its a lot harder than you think to laugh everyday here as I have about as much control over my days as a lab rat does. But training is over at the end of the month when i officially swear in as a volunteer and then Ill have my freedom back. The other day I went to a public swimming pool and was teaching all the girls how to swim, Ive never seen such interest to learn something before - haha talk about an ego booster. Later i went to a silver craft shop and chatted with the owner - they were using the same machinery and techniques I had used in my high school jewelry making class. Tonight is gay night in Rosario - I should fill you in how GAY this country is, an extremely catholic country at that. It seems like a quarter of the youth male pop. is gay and they arent like they are in the states. They are percieved as women here and they date straight men. Also they are widely and wholly accepted here and everyone wants to be their friend. Its pretty refreshing but as a straight man I have to watch my back when I go out at night. Another lil tidbit about pilipina culture here - they love tsika tsika ( gossip) You really have to be careful not to get too involved or else next thing you know the whole barangay is talking about you. The other night I went to the river pretty late just to soak in the view and play some romantic guitar to myself. First of all the act of being alone is very bizarre here and then alone at night playing guitar they thought I was going to commit suicide. The next morning every one is stopping to check on me asking me if im alright, If I would like some company. Privacy here is hard to come by and then when you get it, u better be prepared to explain why. Sorry I am writing so much, you can tell i am pretty lonely today. The computer understands english. Happy Mother's Day and if I missed anyone's b-day I apologize. OH, I have a snapfish page up with pics of Banaue, Hingyon, Hungduan and La Union. U all must check it out - go to

Monday, May 08, 2006

Permanent Site Visit

I just spent a week in Banaue visiting all my coworkers and host family there. My house there is 45 min away from downtown Banaue situated between high elevation rice terraces. Pictures of this place really do no justice. I will be travelling to the 4 or 5 UNESCO World Heritage Sites doing economic surveying and profiling of the farmers there. I will also be undergoing technical training in USDA Organic Stds so that I can monitor the production phase of the farmers here before we export to the States. The work is very structured and extremely motivating and inspriring because the whole project is very well planned and funded and recieving a lot of interest from the farmers. I really couldn't be more pleased. I am going to live in the 8th wonder of the world - there is hiking, cave exploring, and many PCV's will be visiting me so I will be getting my own place after a couple months. I met with the mayor of Banaue and he wants me to do some sports development programs with the youth. I think the best part about being placed in Banaue is that the weather is cool 80 tops in summer and 50 low in winter. My energy is back and I dont need to sleep 2-3 hrs in the middle of the day anymore. I have so many pics to show, so I will open a snapfish account and let you know how thats goin. And how come no one is calling me! Raney give me a call - put it on your dad's tab. Jules, I'll pay you back in a couple years. ALright, gonna run, only 2 more weeks before I leave permanently for Banaue. Thanks for all the comments, I feel the love. -Adam