Monday, May 22, 2006

1 More Week!!

Only 1 more week of training until Swearing-In Conf. That should be a blast as I'll get to see about half of the people I came to the Philippines with. Some of them got placed in Palawan and Bicol regions so I'll get to visit a friend who is staying on an island wolrd famous for its whale shark diving sites. Here in Saytan, we are painting a big community map with all the families and resources on it. We got a 2000 peso budget, about 40 bucks, so it'll be interesting to see how nice of a mark we leave here. The other day in church I got to read a couple psalms in Ilokano in front of about 200 people. I didnt screw it up that bad I guess even though the preist reread it later. I also noticed I have lost 10 lbs here - I think I have a worm because I am eating so much and a lot of pork fat at that too so something else is enjoying the food rather than my stomach. I started also to lift weights here or actually just 5 gallon water tanks becuse I am starting to resemble the vegetarian Adam of old. The most widely drunk alcohol here is Tapuey or rice wine which can get to 70% alcohol and it seems like wherever you go people are inviting you to socialize. I can usually get out of it but every now and then I get stuck in a situation - one shot of it makes your body temp shoot thru the roof and a few more and you start to lose your mind because I'm already on the brink of insanity here - but this is not to complain - as with most things here I have found it is crucial to adopt a pinoy sense of humor and be fatalistic towards everything and just brush things off as Ce'st La Ve (is that spelling correct?) Oh shit I gotta go my trike is leaving now. More later, Adam


At 7:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there! While you are out saving the world I am back here in Cali at my boring desk job counting down the weeks till I get to leave for Philly (only 5 left). I am heading out to Montana on July 1 to meet up with the fam and then from there heading to Philly find a house and start school.
On your next post put up an address where I can send you stuff.
Miss you


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