Monday, May 08, 2006

Permanent Site Visit

I just spent a week in Banaue visiting all my coworkers and host family there. My house there is 45 min away from downtown Banaue situated between high elevation rice terraces. Pictures of this place really do no justice. I will be travelling to the 4 or 5 UNESCO World Heritage Sites doing economic surveying and profiling of the farmers there. I will also be undergoing technical training in USDA Organic Stds so that I can monitor the production phase of the farmers here before we export to the States. The work is very structured and extremely motivating and inspriring because the whole project is very well planned and funded and recieving a lot of interest from the farmers. I really couldn't be more pleased. I am going to live in the 8th wonder of the world - there is hiking, cave exploring, and many PCV's will be visiting me so I will be getting my own place after a couple months. I met with the mayor of Banaue and he wants me to do some sports development programs with the youth. I think the best part about being placed in Banaue is that the weather is cool 80 tops in summer and 50 low in winter. My energy is back and I dont need to sleep 2-3 hrs in the middle of the day anymore. I have so many pics to show, so I will open a snapfish account and let you know how thats goin. And how come no one is calling me! Raney give me a call - put it on your dad's tab. Jules, I'll pay you back in a couple years. ALright, gonna run, only 2 more weeks before I leave permanently for Banaue. Thanks for all the comments, I feel the love. -Adam


At 3:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds excellent, amigo. Don't sweat the "expertise." Just act like you know what you're doing. It works, trust me. Meantime just try to laugh, will ya?

At 2:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I guess you don't believe in your "fu*kin' farmers" saying anymore? Anyways I just felt like saying hello. And this sofa-bed your dad speaks of is actually really comfortable. (I'm sitting on it right now!) I've reclaimed the computer room as.... well.... the computer room now that you're not occupying it anymore. Uhm..... I think I was going to say a bunch of other things but I'm too tired to think. Anyways, I'm glad you're having a wonderful time....keep on truckin'!

At 4:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy Moly Molly it sounds like it's all starting to finally make sense. So glad to hear the farmers are on your side. I could only imagine what these blogs would say if they weren't.
I think Doug and I have finally picked a date - Sept 29, 2007. It's fall, it's a Sat. that falls on the 29th, and it gives us plenty of time to save (Dad). So considering it's 18 months away you should have no trouble getting some time off. And who knows, maybe we'll take the flight back with you and honeymoon in the Philipines...(yeah, probably not).
So keep up the good work and I'll give you a call soon. And don't worry about the sofa bed, it's super comfortable and not covered in tarantulas - sounds perfect! But perhaps you'd like it more if it was located in Idaho...

I love you brother!

At 5:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to watching the Banaue Tennis Team, lead by Adam Angsten, in Wimbledon.


At 11:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi - Your cousin Christine - those ARE great pictures! Tilly and I had a great time scrolling through. You are still easy to spot in them. Just think - next year we'll be saying - which one is Adam? Hope all is well. When did you get all grown up? Love, Chrissie, Maddy, Tilly, Geoff


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