Monday, May 29, 2006

No mo trainin

Hey folks, how is everyone? I am back in Baguio and I think I have adjusted to the weather here because I am starting to get cold, very cold, I need pj's and multiple blankets at night. So whats new here - I finished my community activity which was to paint a community map of the barangay and to paint the speed bumps. For the map we got the help of 2 community members, the rest of the work was put in by us 4 peace corps people there. It actually turned out really well including all 258 family households and their locations and the barangay council seems to be proud of it, also with the speed bumps, we originally asked them if they would like us to paint the speed bumps thinking it would be a joke because they always see us trip on them at night. To our surprise, they were really for the idea and I think the whole community was happy to have us stay there just so that they could have their speed bumps painted. So what kind of work did you do in the Philippines? ... After we presented the map to the council, we had a despedida (goodbye party). Spaghetti was served and that was the highlight of the night, we're still talking about that spaghetti which is actually comparable to Shaky's spaghetti. There was a dance party later in the night which just doesnt exist in typical Pinoy Barrio setting in North Luzon. We, the PC trainees, had been complaining about how no one dances here at all the bars and kareokes yet they're always packed with drunkards. The next day I had to say goodbye to my host family. Now I knew that I was getting close to my host mom, we had been having good late night talks about meaning of love and religion but I didnt realize until I was saying bye how much I really did enjoy having her around - she really did become like a mom to me. We were both crying in our speeches about eachother during the despedida and i got really emotional which I was not expecting. She is moving to Chicago permanently in 3 weeks and my older bnrother George is moving to Dubai for work. I feel like an orphan all over again, thank god I have a host family in Banaue who is just as excited to have me. Today and tomorrow is the Supervisor's Conference where the supervisor and the volunteer clarify their roles and expectations of eachother and come up with a 3mo action plan. So far her expectations of me are to completely immerse myself in the culture, create a working relationship with the farmer leaders, to understand the culture and to believe in and get others to believe in the vision of the NGO. No problem right? All my expectations of me are to be conversational in the local dialect, create some friendships and not screw up my surveying duties. Tomorrow night the 13 of us here in North Luzon are catching a midnight bus to Laguna and arriving at 7am for the swearing-in conf. Then on June 3/4 I go to Banaue to begin weeding the mountainside, digging irrigation canals and plugging rat holes with rat poison. And a typhoon is supposed to hit my first week there. OK this is very long I will go now. Claire I got your package it is a dream come true - GO METAMUCIL!! Now just call me back because u never called back last time. Good to hear ur commments and hear whats going on in your life's also - I do care. OK miss yall, -Adam


At 3:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's up snacka. That's cool you are done with your training and can now really help the people with irrigation. Do the damn thing. Are you going to be at a different telephone number now? I'm leaving for Ohio in like 2 weeks, kind of weird. Anyways, let me know if you're at the same number you gave me last time. PEACE!

At 12:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm so glad you FINALLY received your package! Did it all get there or did they weed through it first? I lied about sending food and wrote books and papers under contents.
Now that you've proved yourself by painting speed bumps and coloring you can do what you came there to do...dig big holes in the ground and pull weeds. Congratulations!
So saying goodbye was tougher than you thought, huh? I think that's great. You're finally learning that it's okay to miss people and it's okay if they know it. And I'm proud of you.
Meanwhile, everything here has kinda been up in the air. Work, the wedding, even thinking about going back to school...I'll let you know what happens. Yesterday was Doug's 28th birthday. We went to Magic Mnt. and I got to listen to Doug scream obscenities at 80mph - not gunna lie ta ya, a little pee came out. Even laughed out loud on the tram ride into the park when I remembered all the times mom would scream on it. Holy Moly it was a funny day.
Hope you're having as much fun with your rat poison. Congratulations on making it through training. Only 2.5 months, but v. important in more ways than one, eh?
I miss you and love you oodles! And I'll call you back soon.

PS. Spaghetti, huh? I'll keep that in mind for next time...

At 11:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey hey,
congratulations on graduating into official volunteer status. I'm glad you're having a snappy time. I'm not really sure what I meant by "snappy" but you can figure it out. I hope your using your iPod and the charger all the time, because it would sure be useful over here if it wasn't over there. Oh yeah, and I'm reminding you to keep taking pictures!!!
As for me, well I'm still working at TJ's and I will probably start school in the Fall who knows where. I'm considering taking up drug dealing or selling my soul or something so I can afford to go to a school I actually want to go to in a place I want to be. AANND I almost have my license! Everyone says I can take the test already, but I just want to be sure cause I don't want to have to take it 3 times. Uhm, also I'm sure you would be happy to know I got some cavities filled, and new pants. Alright, well keep painting walls and roads and maybe we'll talk on the phone one of these days, before you come back for your visit next year.
Wow this was super dooper long, dude.

At 8:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Y'all (North Carolina talk) Hilton and I are trying to keep up with your bump-painting, digging, weeding & vector control activities. Adam we are so proud of you. And proud of your sissy too for sending you "books" that you obviously really enjoyed. I've been talking to your Momma in BC about you and your sis. I gotta be honetst: I had to get the globe out to see where the heck you are. Stay safe. Wear gloves and sunscreen... xoxo Kate and Hilton

At 12:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

angus, bro, i'm stoked to hear you're livin' the life. i think i live a pretty well put together life but you, you're an inspiration u son of a bitch. life's good here. leaving for denmark to visit my girlfriend all summer in 5 days... hittin' prague and kusadasi (in turkey on the border of the aegean and mediterranean seas) while im out there. after this summer of lovin' i'll be off to georgetown to work on my masters in physiology. keep postin', i enjoy hearin' what you're up to. haha... your blogs are definitely you, man; all love, granola, and pure awesomeness. i miss the bongo sessions. kwock, OUT.

At 2:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We miss you and think about you often. Love hearing what you're doing--the down and dirty work of the divine. Take care of yourself.
Love, Uncle Dave & Aunt Joanna


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