Monday, May 15, 2006

From Rosario

Hey how is everybody doing? I am dandy - I got 5 kids looking over my shoulder as i am writing this , they say naimbag nga malem yo, and the britney spears is blasting just so you know. I have been farily busy lately which is great for my sanity. Uncle Dave its a lot harder than you think to laugh everyday here as I have about as much control over my days as a lab rat does. But training is over at the end of the month when i officially swear in as a volunteer and then Ill have my freedom back. The other day I went to a public swimming pool and was teaching all the girls how to swim, Ive never seen such interest to learn something before - haha talk about an ego booster. Later i went to a silver craft shop and chatted with the owner - they were using the same machinery and techniques I had used in my high school jewelry making class. Tonight is gay night in Rosario - I should fill you in how GAY this country is, an extremely catholic country at that. It seems like a quarter of the youth male pop. is gay and they arent like they are in the states. They are percieved as women here and they date straight men. Also they are widely and wholly accepted here and everyone wants to be their friend. Its pretty refreshing but as a straight man I have to watch my back when I go out at night. Another lil tidbit about pilipina culture here - they love tsika tsika ( gossip) You really have to be careful not to get too involved or else next thing you know the whole barangay is talking about you. The other night I went to the river pretty late just to soak in the view and play some romantic guitar to myself. First of all the act of being alone is very bizarre here and then alone at night playing guitar they thought I was going to commit suicide. The next morning every one is stopping to check on me asking me if im alright, If I would like some company. Privacy here is hard to come by and then when you get it, u better be prepared to explain why. Sorry I am writing so much, you can tell i am pretty lonely today. The computer understands english. Happy Mother's Day and if I missed anyone's b-day I apologize. OH, I have a snapfish page up with pics of Banaue, Hingyon, Hungduan and La Union. U all must check it out - go to


At 7:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're package should arrive next week sometime but it may be the last one you get unless you can get me a US Zip Code in the Philipines. The teller at the window said US military bases and organizations abroad are given US zip codes so that when people back home(me)want to ship them (you) something they are only charged domestic rates. Basically it cost me $80 to ship you that package but if your Peace Corps office is assigned a US 5-digit zip code it will only cost me $30 next time. Kapeesh? So go do your research...
So glad to finally see some pictures of you (nice haircut, btw). It looks green and lush with lots of rice and swimming. Good thing you brought your trunks. You look well and I'm amsuming the rash has cleared and you're back on army ant scarred feet, so that's good, too. Just don't go eatin anymore dogs!
Actually there's an article in the Nat'l Geo (included in your package) about people in LA and how we treat our dogs. I'm sure your new friends will find it quite interesting. Who knows, maybe by the time you leave there you will have made two impacts???

Whoof Whoof

At 5:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bro, those pictures are freakin amazing. I'm so damn proud of you right now. I know there will be some lonely nights, but what you are doing is great. Much respect. I'm a little jealous actually. I wish I was over there helping you out. It looks like you've got to enjoy some of the local tendencies and activities though, that's cool. I saw that basketball hoop in the backround in that one pic, hoping you taught them some skills. I've just been coaching little kids over in D-Ville, working a little for the Warriors still, and I leave around June 15th for Ohio. Pretty stoked. Has nothing on what you're doing, but I'm looking forward to it. A's and Dodge haven't been doing that hot, not sure if you have been able to follow all that. I'm rooting for the Clips in the playoffs. My birthday is coming up on the 23rd and I think I'll hang with some of the Chi Phis. I'll be sure to let everyone know how you are doing. I talked to Boosh too and it seems like he remembers stuff. However, he was giving me short answers, definitely not the ordinary Boosh. I don't know if that's temporary or not. Anyways much love from Danville, CA. Keep it real, stay strong, help the people over there, and remember the folkers back in Cali! Looking forward to the next update. Also, let me know when a good time to call is from over here. I'll definitely call you soon. PEACE!

At 1:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Adam,
Every time you feel lonley over there, remember how some nights here you WISHED you were alone.....
That might ease the pain...

The pictures are amazing. I wanna visit you and see the rice fields and meet all the happy gay people who date straight guys.

You look well, it seems like you lost weight and you gained some hair on your chin. remember, every photo is checked here with a magnifying glass!

In your honor - I changed the message on the answering machine (after I heard your message..) - I dropped all names and kept only the phone number...
I miss you here. I love reading your stories. Maybe I should print them all and one day this can replace the dry little booklet we read here about the P.C.
Keep changing the world. You are doing a good thing.


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