Friday, April 21, 2006

Work News

I will be working for an NGO called Revitalized Indigenous Cordilleran Entreprenuers, RICE. They are partnering up with a US firm, and many domestic agencies to do the Cordillera (the region of North Luzon) Heirloom rice project. Their website is From the brief info I have recieved so far, it sounds like I will be very busy doing workshops for rice farming coops on marketing and entreprenuerial skills. I feel very under-qualified but they say I will recieve all the training and resources to be successful as long as I have the right attitude. I have a lot of work on my hands and a lot of learning to do considering I have never taken a marketing or entreprenuership class. I'll let you know more soon. Ciao


At 2:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Adamo-

Keep up the good work. Pretty soon, you'll be speaking the language and will have entrepreneurial skills than Steve Jobs. Pretty soon you'll be a brown as everyone else. Stay single.


Uncle Willy

At 2:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey beautiful. wow, so many things are happening over there. sounds like its you against the world, but you are doing it! your service is more than many have seen. youre refreshing adam! things are good here, i'll be finishing up school on the 18th, then working in custer state park for the summer with a ministry team. im taking on 5 different art project right now, and volunteering for a bout 100 things. dont worry, still maintaing the 3 jobs while student-ing too. i need a breather! i miss you adam. so much. love yoU! cant wait to see you.
LOVE! God bless, jules<><

At 10:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi brother!
I miss you so much. Rash, ants and injuries aside, I'm glad to hear you're doing well. This project sounds like an interesting challenge. As far as having the right attitude about being an entrepeneurer, think back to your days as a day trader and what your mindset was then.
As far as what's going on here, well: still painting the house (5 rooms down, 3 to go), mom, mb and uw come to town May 6 for our cousin Sarah's baby shower and Uncle Will's birthday, Doug and I are going to Hawaii in June for a wedding (friend of Doug's family's), and still haven't picked a date for my own wedding - only been thinking about the house.
I miss you V. much and think about you a lot. I hope your good fortune sticks with you through the rest of your journey.
Love, Claire

At 1:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going to college!

At 5:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey buddy,
Glad to hear all is well (sort of)! Last week I spent time with my fam in SF and we visited Cal and I thought of you. Things with me are about the same and I am looking forward to my cross country trip and being back in school. Also, what is the address that we should use to send you stuff. Put it up on your blog when you get a chance.
Good luck with the rash,

At 1:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi Pope... you are doing great work...i am incredibly proud to know you... pls stay in touch.. i am putting on a kind of world fusion rave in india in 2008 and hope you can make it, i wd like to learn yr dance moves, though i know it wd be impossible... stuart

At 1:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

here is my email per last blog

At 1:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

here is my email per last blog


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